
Photo of Teabreak Knitter

I am the Teabreak Knitter (Steve Foreman). I aim to build on the work of Ravelry and podcasters to bring people interested in fibre crafts closer together.

I want to use this web site and podcasts to share what I am learning about knitting in the hope that some of it will be useful to others.

When I first started knitting, I learned techniques as I have needed them for paticular projects. With more exposure to Ravelry and podcasts, I have found that there are things that I have not realized would be useful working purely from patterns. This reminded me of a concept that I was exposed to in my working life. Although not a professional trainer, I was heavily involved in defining the “competences” needed by people to work in my technical field.

So, as well as giving links to techniques (some to my own explanations, but most to other web sites) I hope to put these into a broader context that allows you to discover what might be helpful to you as you build your skills in knitting.