You can find descriptions of knitting techniques from the links on this page, or you can use the search box to search for articles.
Different knitters often use different words to describe the same thing. You will see this in the list below, where items often have an “also known as” entry. I have tried to be consistent in my use of terms within the articles in this section. Some of the terms I have chosen may not be in common use, so I have provided a list for these on the “Terminology” page.
Index to groups of topics
Preparing a project
No topics yet
Preparing a project
No topics yet
Tools and skills
Flat knitting
Circular knitting
Knitting needles
Knitting your project
Matching what you see to the pattern
Recognising how a fabric was made
Reading patterns
Starting and ending
Casting on
Finger cast-ons
Compound half-hitch cast-ons
Twisted knit half-hitch cast-on
Wrapped cast-ons
Knitted cast-ons
Tubular cast-ons
Provisional cast-ons
Aids to casting-on
Casting off (Binding off)
Plain stitches
Decrease stitches
Increase stitches
Stitch patterns
Using colours
Striped colour work
Stranded colour work
Catching floats in stranded knitting
Holding yarn for stranded knitting
Choice of colour
Maths for knitters
Calculating stitch counts
Finishing touches
Pick up stitches
Pick up stitches on a cast-off edge