Welcome to the Teabreak Knitter website that supports the knitting community. The site changes, so you can see the latest additions to the site below. Click on the heading for a topic to get more detailed information.
You can also find Teabreak Knitter on Ravelry, Instagram, Facebook and on YouTube.
Teabreak Knitter publishes podcasts on YouTube. That said, it can be hard to remember what you saw in a video, so look at the T-breaks section of this site for more detailed “show notes”.
Finishing the Nahanni River (P202002)
Up to the armholes in the Nahanni River (P202001)
Starting to knit the Nahanni river (P201903)
Casting on the Nahanni River (P201902)
T-reference is a collection of articles to help you build your knitting skills. Use T-reference if you want to learn a new technique, or how to plan a project.
You can search the T-reference page to find a topic. However, you can get a flavour of what is on offer by looking at one of the latest posts shown here.
Recognising how a fabric was made
It’s more than your eyes
T-torials are bite-sized hints and tips on knitting techniques prepared by Teabreak Knitter. They have a transcript of the video and links to other useful resources on the topic.