Date: 11 June 2020. Time 14:00 UTC (15:00 UK time, 10:00 EDT)).
Unit contents: Introductions and welcome. Planning for your workshop. Planning your virtual workspace. Running the workshop. Summary and actions
Duration: 90 minutes.
Introduction and welcome
- People need time to adjust their video, audio, computer, lights.
- Remind people of how to use the conferencing tools (views, mute, raising a hand, chat, camera).
Planning your workshop
- How many sessions do you need? How long should they last?
- How will you enrol participants and help them to connect?
- How will they pay?
- How will they get handouts?
- What are your contingencies if your internet connection goes down?
- What do participants need to be able to do before they attempt the workshop (pre-requisites)?
- Do you need to pre-record (or photograph, make slides) to make things clear?
- What will participants need to do during the workshop?
- Make a bullet point “script” of what you will do and how you will do it.
Plan your virtual space
- Which video conferencing system meets your needs and those of participants?
- Where do your camera(s) need to be.
- Place your device where you can use it, but still do what else you have to do.
- Make sure the lighting is even and the foreground and background are balanced.
- Check what is behind you.
- Make arrangements to avoid interruptions and disrupting sounds (e.g. don’t run the washing machine!)
- Test all your visual aids.
- Open all the files you will need before the meeting starts.
- Gather all your physical materials together.
- Have a notebook and pen handy to make notes of questions, things to come back to, etc.
- Set up and run a practice session with a friend to make sure you know how to do everything you want to do.
Running the workshop
- If you are recording, ask everyone to say they agree to you publishing the video.
- Keep an eye on the clock
- Watch the participants.
- Look at the camera (not the same as looking at the screen)
- Keep in-frame.
- Repeat yourself more than in a face to face workshop
- Use share screen to show prepared items (screen, window, tab or device). Share computer audio if you need the sound track. You may need to tell your software if you are sharing a video (or camera).
- Ask participants to mute if you are demonstrating using the camera.
- Ask participants to use their rear camera when showing you things (they can see the image on screen).
Summary and actions
- Participants should note the key issues they need to remember.
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Please donate
If you found this workshop useful, please consider joining (or making a donation to) the Knitting & Crochet Guild.

Please donate to the Knitting and Crochet Guild on their website.
“We are a national educational charity dedicated to UK hand knitting, domestic machine knitting and crochet, run by volunteers and supported by subscriptions and donations. We have members throughout the UK and a growing number of international subscribers. You don’t need a qualification to join – we welcome all levels of expertise from beginners to experts and to those who have an interest in the history and future of these crafts.”
Knitting and Crochet Guild